Landscape architecture, ecology, planning, and design concepts within a systematic structure, viewing the human and the physical environment, natural and Cultural Resources, Protection and management on the basis of conciliatory, art, science, engineering and technology which combined space planning, design and management is a professional discipline that deals with.
According to the definition of ASLA (Landscape Architecture Society of America), Landscape Architecture is “the art of organizing, planning, designing and managing natural and cultural elements within the scope of the application of cultural and scientific accumulation (in the direction of improving the functional and quality of life of the physical environment to be created) on the basis of protecting and managing natural and cultural resources”.
Landscape Architecture is the art of creating a useful, functional and beautiful environment that sets out the principles of use of space based on biological basis. In this respect, Landscape Architecture should evaluate not only the physical potential of landscape, but also the psychological and physiological conditions of people. In addition, it has a binding and coordinating function among other disciplines related to outdoor design or planning in terms of the continuity of the entire landscape. The discipline of Landscape Architecture has great duties and responsibilities both in the conservation and maintenance of the natural landscape and in the functional, aesthetic and healthy planning of the urban and rural landscape. It is the spirit of this profession to use nature in a respectful way, to protect and to repair the degraded points for tomorrow's generations.
Landscape Architecture is in a state of mutual interaction with the work of other planning and design professions due to its wide range of subjects and scales. A common production process must be created by transforming the interaction here into practice. In this co-production process, Landscape Architecture is the bridge between social sciences and natural sciences, art and Science, Society and nature. In this respect, the space unit it is tasked to organize expands from the smallest scale of a house, such as a terrace, balcony, courtyard or garden, to large scale areas such as watershed and region, land planning. In order to fulfill this duty, it is necessary to understand the working system, terminology and production processes of other related professions. For this reason, their work needs to be in a tight relationship with other venue regulatory disciplines. These are the disciplines such as Architecture, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, ecology, botany, geology, soil, geography, horticulture, forestry, agriculture, fine art branches, sociology.
Where Do Landscape Architects Study?
The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to landscape architecture is people with highly developed imaginations who design parks and gardens that resemble Paradise. In order to read this section and find a job, you have to go completely outside the classical thinking system and set an innovative style. The students of this department graduate from their universities fully equipped with many courses they take. Students who are trained in many fields also receive training in designing, generating new ideas and increasing problem solving skills.
The purpose of this section is to beautify the environment and provide people with more beautiful and spacious living spaces. This section is extremely needed as city life has become breathless due to the thriving city life and the proliferation of buildings and the shrinking playgrounds for children. They have a very nice goal of trying to lighten city life a little bit more by creating extremely natural parking spaces in the middle of big cities, by offering designs that replicate children's play areas and beautify the city.